yKAP Issue Tracking Module
Use this yKAP module to manage software Issues, everything from bugs, features, requirements, tasks, incidents and even support requests.
Manage Issues
- The "Dashboard" instantly provides you a visual representation of the current state of your projects, issues. The "Dashboard" is a panel to which you can add any number of "Summary Reports" (custom charts - pie / bar). (eg: report on all Issues by Priority)
- A "Summary Report" shows you current distribution (of issues) based on your defined parameters.
- Create and track issues.
- Assign built-in or custom values for issue status, priority, complexity.
- Assign Project/Module for the issue.
- Optionally enter a preferred closing date.
- View the complete history of a issue.
- Maintain "related issues" for any issue.
- Enter steps to reproduce the issue.
- Add any document references.
- Select the "Testing environment". (A "Testing environment" represents the harware/software configuration under which the issue is encountered. A tester may setup multiple Testing environments and also set the default. When this tester enters a issue, the default Testing environment is automatically selected. This ensures maximum hardware/software configuration information is available while solving the issue.)
- Reassign all Issues assigned to a user to another user at one go.
- Create any type of Custom parameters to define a issue (see "Customize" section below).
- Update multiple issues simultaneously (Bulk Update) (Every parameter, including custom parameters, is "updatable" in bulk update).
Dash board (Enterprise2.4 or later)
- The "Dashboard" instantly provides you a visual representation of the current state of your projects, issues. The "Dashboard" is a panel to which you can add any number of "Summary Reports" (custom charts - pie / bar). (eg: report on all Issues by Priority)
- A "Summary Report" shows you current distribution (of issues) based on your defined parameters.
yKAP allows exhaustive customization. For example:
- Define custom values for "Stock" fields such as Status, Priority, Complexity.
- Define custom values for "Stock" fields such as Issue Type/Cause.
- Define a "Default Issue view" (the issue-list that is displayed when you login).
- Set number of issues to be displayed-per-page.
- Define rules for Email Alerts.
- Define almost any type of custom parameters for issues. The types that you can define are: Numeric, Short Text, Long Text, Free Text, Percentage, Date, User "Lookup" (combo - eg: "Approved By" ), System lookups (you can use almost all existing system lookup data - such as Module, Test Environment, Country, Role, etc - to define your custom lookup), Custom lookups (define your own custom combos).
- Define Parent-Child relationships for your custom lookups (combos).
- Define Display colors for lookup data (enterprise2.4 or later).
- Define validation rules for your custom data - eg: Specify a minimum / maximum value for a numeric field, character length for a short text field, etc.
- Personalize all issues related screens - Group fields together, order the fields, etc.
- Numerous other possibilities...
- yKAP implements "role-based" security, allowing administrators excellent control over user access to data. Apart from pre-defined roles, administrators can define custom roles specifying access permissions(read/write/delete) for these roles. (This is a standard feature)
- Define Role based field level access constraints - eg: Allow a Role to view a field but deny "update" permission.
Look-up Issue
- Use yKAP exhaustive issues search to easily find issues.
- Some of the search parameters for search are "Created-by / Updated-by", issue title/description text, issue status/priority/complexity/type/cause, project/module, etc.
- Entered Issues are completely searchable by any custom parameters.
- Save the Search parameters as a "Named search". A "Named Search" remembers the search parameters, saving you time for repetitive searches with same (or similar parameters).
- Create "Public Named Searches" that can be shared with multiple users. A "Public Named Search" can be communicated easily to other users saving time.
- Apart from Private and Public Named Searches also define Group Level and Org Level Named Searches.
- Add as many File attachments to your issue as you want.
Save Issue(s)
- Save issues in any of these formats: PDF, RTF, XLS, HTML, Text.
Email Alerts
- Use the "Send Email Alert" feature to send email notifications.
- Define rules for Email Alerts.
Print Issue(s)
- Use the "Print" feature to preview and print one issue at a time or the entire list of currently selected issues.
- Choose from pre-built print design templates or create your own.
- yKAP lets you perform extensive analysis (current and trends) of your data with exceptional ease - without any programming. For example:
- Find out the average time taken to "close" a issue. - Find out under which software/hardware configuration your product has most issues.
- Compare the number of issues that were due to a particular cause (for example - developer error) this year as to last year.
- Numerous other analysis possibilities...
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